SWBFSpy Engagement

What is SWBFSpy Engagement ?
It is how the MS Staff is called. Each member has an important role which is assigned by the Community Ambassador, the project leader.

What is the purpose of the group ?
We're trying to get all the SWBF1 and SWBF2 players engaged to these games. We provide one of the most important requirements to play this game online without using any extra tool like Gameranger or Tunngle, which is the MS. Another purpose of the team is to spread the word about SWBFSpy and to help other players to get it working.

What are the roles SWBFSpy Engagement has?
Community Engagement are members of the team, lead by the SWBF & Player Engagement, which is currently Anyder.

Wanna join SWBFSpy Engagement?
Do so by contacting Anyder. All contacting info is listed in the contact page.

Roles and Tasks

Community Engagement
- Continuous communication with the team.
- Will have the following duties within the community:
· Moderate the Gameservers (Make sure people follow the rules).
· Provide the help people seek when installing SWBFSpy.
· If any issue comes up, they will have to contact the respective Game Ambassadors.
- Everytime an announcement is published, they will need to share this everywhere they can so as to reach every player (optional).

SWBF & Player Engagement
- The person responsible to lead this team.
- Has a custom mail to be in contact with everyone who needs of it.
- IS responsible for the project, and is the link between community & the project.